Automac: quality 4.0


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The company

Founded in 1993, Automac creates Mechatronic solutions for automating the assembly and testing processes of various industrial products. What sets it apart is its management and production capacity, aimed at listening to and responding to the expectations of quality and efficiency expressed by its customers.

The customer's need

Automac turned to Miraitek to develop an advanced quality control system capable of identifying potential production defects, even before they occur.

Products & Services

Their achievements

This is possible with Mirai4zerodefect, which allows process parameters to be studied, constantly monitored, and analysed with machine learning algorithms. These algorithms, based on historical data collected during the system configuration phase, can recognise trends that anticipate the occurrence of production defects.

Customer benefits

Machine Learning algorithms programmed to evaluate non-compliance were able to save 7% percent of the non-conforming parts by evaluating them as adaptable, without further processing, to components other than those defined by the initial design.

Once the potential problem has been identified, Mirai4zerodefect can act autonomously by modifying process settings or alerting operators and/or the production manager of the critical issues found and the actions to be taken.

This approach provides deeper insight into the production process and visibility into its future evolution. Thus, by decreasing the occurrence of defects on the product, a positive impact on production performance is achieved.

"Machine Learning has proven a real help in both planning and purely operational activities. It supports managers and operators by simplifying their work."